Details about what I offer
This section tells you more about the different services that I offer for individuals and the differences between them to help you choose what’s best for you and your situation.
Please take time to read over it and feel free to ask me questions when we speak if it is not clear.
I offer a free 20 minute telephone enquiry consultation before you book to help you decide if what I offer is right for you.
There are many different approaches to counselling and psychotherapy. This is because just as people are different, the difficulties they face are varied, complex, and for some traumatic, and there is no one approach that suits every person or situation.
The counselling I offer is focused on helping you manage and overcome the changes and challenges of middle and later life.
My approach aims to give you space and time to explore thoroughly what has happened , or is happening to you, process painful or troubling emotions such as grief, anger, fear, recognise and challenge and change self-defeating patterns that may be holding you back, build confidence, strengths and resources to help you create a more rewarding satisfying life
Suitable for many issues common to middle and later life, including:
bereavement and loss,
relationship breakup or change,
family changes (including changes in roles & responsibilities)
managing health
managing life-stage change and ageing
career change, retirement and redundancy
future life planning
Session length: 50-60 mins
Cost: £50 (reductions available for low income)
Typically lasts between a few weeks and six-nine months and sessions can be weekly or 2-3 weekly depending on circumstances.
Availability: Online & limited in-person appts (see locations)
Wellbeing Mentoring
Wellbeing mentoring is practical, action orientated, and more obviously problem focused than counselling.
It is informed by psychological and change management theories with a strong emphasis on helping you develop greater self-awareness of how your habits, patterns of thinking and responding are contributing to your current situation and ways that you can alter that.
It is mentoring in the sense that it is an overtly developmental learning process aimed at helping you manage specific situations or problems reactions better, however, for mentoring to be effective it requires a commitment by you to implement, practise and assess the new skills and strategies explored in the sessions.
It can be helpful in managing:
mild to moderate anxiety,
low mood,
performance or job related anxiety,
low self-confidence
time management etc.,
decision making & planning issue
inattention, forgetfulness and low-level memory issues
It can be very helpful for women experiencing difficulties managing some of the psychological effects of the menopause.
Session length: 45 mins
Cost: £45 (reductions available for low income)
Frequency: Mentoring can be used two ways .
a ‘single session’ approach where you can book individual sessions to focus on different issues as they arise
or a course of regular fortnightly sessions over a period of time to help you get the outcomes you require.
Availability: Online only
What happens next?
The next step is to book a FREE 20 minute telephone consultation to outline what you are looking for and find more about how we can work together.
There is no obligation for you to book further sessions but I look forward to hearing from you