Workshops & Courses

Reimagined Lives : How to re-imagine your life in the ‘young- old’ life-stage after 65.
Advance notice for Easter 2025
A series of workshops to help women prepare for life when full-time employment ends, in the newly designated ‘young-old’ stage of life before becoming officially an elder around the age of 80!
Learn ways to live with purpose, meaning and reconnect with your strengths and passions.
Discover how to create a new vision for what could be the most exciting period of your life so far!
Further details coming soon
Please note the date is provisional and a full day workshop may also be offered

Charting new pathways: Career change in middle & later-life
Are you dissatisfied with your work life at the moment and feel that you need to change to a new job or career but can’t work out what new would look like or how to get there?
Do you need to change job because of the toll on your mental wellbeing, changes in personal circumstances or financial obligations but don’t know where to begin, what the process could look like and fearful of making costly mistakes you make the wrong choice.
Do you need help to identify better your strengths, gain confidence to rediscover your unused and under utilised resources and sort the dead ends from new possibilities ?
This workshop can help you with all of those things and create a plans to chart a course towards fulfilling, rewarding future.
Further details coming soon

Tame your Dragon! NOW SOLD OUT!
New for 2025
Tame your Dragon! A 4-session course aimed at helping you improve and take control of your mental wellbeing during middle and later life, and get the best out of life.
“Challenge is a dragon with a gift in its mouth. Tame the dragon and the gift will be yours” Noela Evans
Are you struggling with challenges to your mental wellbeing of the changes that are happening during middle and later life? These years include the menopause for most women, but they also include other challenging life changes too.
The challenge of managing these relentless challenges can result in increased difficulties with anxiety, mental confusion, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, loss of confidence and increased difficulty with decision making- even with the smallest decisions?
You are not alone! These are some of the well documented effects on some women of the many changes that happen during their middle and later years and that can have significant consequences for their future health, wellbeing and sense of life-satisfaction.
The good news is that this is not inevitable, this course can provide the foundations for you to build a greater sense of control, purpose, confidence -and brighter future!
‘Tame your Dragon’' is a low-cost interactive four-session online course, delivered online via Zoom.

Introducing Women in the Middle Wellbeing Services & Workshops: Find out what it can mean for you
A free introduction to my unique, Women in the Middle , counselling coaching and mentoring services for women in middle and later life, and what it could mean for you!
Get advance details of my new 4 week ‘Taming your Dragon’ course aimed at helping you better understand, and take control of the effects on your mental health and wellbeing of the changes and challenges of middle and later life.

Introducing Women in the Middle Wellbeing Services & Workshops: Find out what it can mean for you
A free introduction to my unique, Women in the Middle , counselling coaching and mentoring services for women in middle and later life, and what it could mean for you!
Get advance details of my new 4 week ‘Taming your Dragon’ course aimed at helping you better understand, and take control of the effects on your mental health and wellbeing of the changes and challenges of middle and later life.
Book here: