Bereavement & Loss

I have more than 20 years professional experience helping people, of all ages after devastating bereavement, loss or sudden life-change and offer sensitive, compassionate support.

If you are struggling to manage the pain, confusion and effects of bereavement I can help as you journey through your grief as you work to rebuild your life without the deceased.

Life after bereavement

Experiencing the death of someone significant in our lives can be profound and life changing. In many real ways we know that our lives may never be the same again and the impact of it can affect many areas of our life and wellbeing.

Although all of us will experience the death of someone close to us in our lifetimes, how it affects us can be different for each individual, and for some, not straightforward.

Many things can complicate our grieving; who the deceased was to us, how, when and where the death happened , whether it was sudden or anticipated, whether they were old, young or not yet born.

Sometimes it can be difficult to talk with family and close friends who we might usually count on for support because we don’t want to upset or burden them.

Unresolved or unprocessed grief, especially from a bereavement in childhood, can have a lasting effect on many areas of life.

Before someone dies